Saturday, January 16, 2010


A brief kindness (Anthea) May 1987

Being put ‘on the block’ is a local euphemism for gang rape. A rape crisis worker has rung up. The girl needs somewhere safe for a few days while they sort something out for her. They bring her around.

She is skinny, heavy shadow around hard eyes and a bitter mouth. Crude tattoos on her hands reveal an involvement with gangs. She is polite but wary.

Her support worker stays for a while and makes conversation. Promising to be back tomorrow she leaves us to it. I am left facing the girl across the kitchen table. I find I have no words of comfort, anything I could say would sound trite or patronising, I take the time honoured approach.
‘Would you like a cup of tea?’

She shakes her head, her polite smile doesn’t reach her eyes.

‘Or a coffee? Or a milo
[1]? I make the best milo in the world you know!’ (this is actually true).
She smiles a little wider at that. ‘I’d like a milo thanks’.

One of our kids toddles through the kitchen as I get it ready. Some of the other girls who are staying with us wander past and say ‘hi’.

The girls who stay here all know what is going on and they regularly give the gift of acting normal. The presence of our kids and the other girls confirms that we might be from the same planet after all. She relaxes a little and we began to chat.

‘Fuck that’s good’ she exclaims as she tries her drink. She sips it again and declares ‘That’s the best fucking milo I’ve ever tasted’.

‘I told you I was the best’ I remind her modestly.

‘Sorry for swearing’ she adds.

We have a laugh, and our chatting becomes more animated. The normal rhythm of conversation in this community involves working out who you both know or are related to. You make connections and swap stories. We never talk about what has happened.

For a few hours she wanted a normal set of interactions that, briefly, helped her forget what she had been through, and that turned out to be our gift to her. It didn’t feel like much. They came and picked her up the next day and took her somewhere else. I don’t even remember her name.

[1] Milo is a hot chocolate drink.


  1. this makes me want to cry...

  2. Hey, I remember you telling me this story..Exactly like that!

  3. that was for Anthea... (;
